Crossdressers Heterosexual Intersocial Club - A Crossdressing Sorority


Welcome to the Chic Website home the ladies of CHIC. CHIC is an abbreviation for Crossdressers Heterosexual Intersocial Club. We are a heterosexual male crossdressing group primarily made up of married crossdressers and crossdresser wives.

We are a mature organization founded in 1975 and celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2025. CHIC is based Long Beach California. The membership consists of about 15 married heterosexual crossdressers along with their wives or significant others. CHIC members range in age from 40 to 95 and we share the joy of crossdressing. The membership is intentionally kept small in order to provide a quality experience for members. Over our 47 years of existence we found that when we grew to 40 to 50 members a social club becomes too difficult to manage. That detracted from the quality of the CHIC experience for the members so the decision was made keep the group smaller.


We are a fun group for heterosexual crossdrsessers who have accepted and are comfortable with their crossdressing. CHIC meets on the second Saturday of each month at mainstream public restaurants in the Long Beach area and occasionally at private homes of members. CHIC members in smaller groups along with crossdresser wives travel to other cities like San Francisco, Las Vegas, Atlanta and others for shopping, dining and concerts.


Security is a priority for our membership and the screening process is extensive. We are very particular whom we select for membership and those who succeed find it is worth their trouble. Personal information such as male names, occupations addresses or family members names are never revealed. Contrary to popular belief you do not have to pass or be wealthy to become a member. Successful candidates are those who will enhance the membership experience of the group as a whole.


There is no age range that you must be in although you must be at least 21. You can find membership information in the Become a Member of CHIC section of the site. If you have your head screwed on straight and you conduct yourself as a classy lady along with presenting a positive image you are well on your way. The ladies of CHIC always present themselves in a lady like manner and project a positive image of crossdressing to the general public. Improving peoples impressions of crossdressers is a constant goal.

Membership Interview

The interview process is explained more detail in the Become a Member of CHIC page. Because we are a social club acceptance as a member is based on compatibility with our membership. Rejection of your application is not a judgement of your character or style of dress but rather the probability that you would not blend with the membership harmoniously. It is not what you are so much as what you are not that makes the difference.

The Members

CHIC's membership is restricted to male heterosexual crossdressers along with crossdresser wives or significant others.The core of CHIC is made up of married heterosexual crossdressers and their wives.

Our outings are primarily held at mainstream long Beach restaurants so applicants should be comfortable out in public. CHIC members have no difficulty meeting in a completely public setting. Since many of our member wives accompany them to outings, we plan outings with their comfort in mind. Members are expected to dress and act appropriately to respect the wives feelings as well as the others in attendance.

Our emphasis is on fun, the evening out and the dining experience with friends. We don't discuss club business, politics or religion at public venues.

Many members have become close friends after joining the club. Of the 15 members more than half have been with CHIC for over 20 years. CHIC is a sorority where besides discussing fashion and beauty along with golf, football, and military aircraft are popular topics.

We are committed to showing classy positive representation of our crossdressing lifestyle.

CHIC members do not believe that we were supposed to be born a woman. Members consider themselves heterosexual male crossdressers with the desire to express themselves in the female gender occasionally. CHIC members do not identify as Transgendered because the term is too often used as a blanket term covering many different groups under one umbrella. Most of all it is important to us that people understand the difference between Crossdressers, Drag Queens, Transgenders, and Transsexuals in addition to other groups.


Micki Finn

Wanda H.





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Two most-recent comments

Vivian Taylor
April 24, 2023, 9:10 pm
My name is Vivian Taylor, that’s how I’m known in CHIC. I was a charter member way back when… I’d like to attend one meeting just to say hello to my old friends. I’d also like to know what happened to Espy, the one who made the padded girdles, Veronica 2. I think she may have died.

January 30, 2023, 10:46 pm
Hello, I’m interested in CHIC, although I don’t live in the area. I’m in central New York. Perhaps you know of a heterosexual crossdressing group local to me.

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